Sunday, March 21, 2010


For this IF I drew this in illustrator & photoshop and I also tried another style just for fun.
When I first thought about "expired" too many ideas came to my head, but I was looking for something more creative than
draw people. So I came up with this illustration based on the video Blur - Coffe & tv. This video came up on June of 1999 so it's been 11 years ago. expired 11 years ago.


  1. I was just watching that music video the other day. Hahaha. :) Love it.

  2. Aw, that's awesome Ricardo, nice idea!

  3. i just knew it.
    sorry for this is such a late reply.
    i dont think i have time for IF this week, so much work to do.
    but, i will vote for you :D hahah...

    i meant to say: how about the dead body of an animal?
    but you already posted the Blur :D
    and i just realized it's been 11 years ago already????
    im so old...

    good luck ok, le capitaine.


  4. totally cute little milk character. I won't be drinking any 11 year old milk though!!!

  5. Cute and evil milk.

  6. ehhhh Ricardo! looks like we had the same idea on this one lol nice job though!

  7. hahaha, i recognized this right away! excellent ;)
